Outdoor Air Quality In Humboldt Park Community

NUR 4145 Community and Population Focused Health
Clinical Assignment #2: Environmental Health
This assignment will develop a beginning understanding of environmental health concepts in the
community setting. Students will consider how HealthyPeople 2020 environmental health themes impact
their community, and apply concepts such as “social justice” and “the greater good” in evaluating public
health initiatives.
Learning Objectives
1. Describe the impact of various environmental public health hazards.
2. Investigate strategies that address solutions to environmental public health hazards.
3. Explore policy and legislation related to environmental health issues in the community.
Students should familiarize themselves with HealthyPeople 2020’s Environmental Health objectives,
which focus on 6 themes: 1) outdoor air quality; 2) surface and ground water quality; 3) toxic substances
and hazardous wastes; 4) homes and communities; 5) infrastructure and surveillance; and 6) global
environmental health.
Students can access https://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/topics-objectives/topic/environmental-health for
more information.
Instructions for Individual Activity
Each student will choose one of the HealthyPeople 2020’s Environmental Health themes to investigate
and explore how their community (chosen with Clinical Assignment #1: Community
Assessment/Windshield Survey) is affected and impacted by this theme, as well as what is being done to
address this environmental health theme to safeguard or improve societal and environmental health.
Students should search relevant public/governmental agency websites and media/newspaper publications
to help understand the situation from historical, present, and future oriented perspectives. The EPA’s My
Environment website may also be helpful (https://www3.epa.gov/enviro/myenviro/). Students will then
create a 2-page paper (approximately 500 words) that addresses the following:
• Briefly describe the selected environmental health theme.
• Discuss how the community is affected/impacted by this environmental health theme.
• Explore the selected environmental health situation from historical, present, and future-oriented
• Discuss any strategies that are planned or have been implemented to address this environmental
health theme to safeguard or improve societal and environmental health. Consider the barriers and
facilitators for success of these strategies. Propose strategies if none are found.
• Within the paper, students should consider and address population health concepts such as “social
justice” and “the greater good.”
• Student should utilize and appropriately cite relevant public/governmental agency websites and
media/newspaper publications to substantiate their writing.
• Students will submit their APA formatted paper to Brightspace by the assigned due date.
Group activity
At the clinical site (or as directed by your clinical instructor), students will present and discuss their
findings of the HealthyPeople 2020: Environmental Health Investigation paper developed in the
individual activity portion of the assignment.
Together, group members will discuss their findings and the significance of the environmental health
issues explored.
• After hearing from your classmates, how do you rate the overall quality of the environmental
health of your chosen community? Would you choose to live here? Why or why not?
• Which environmental theme presented was most concerning to you? Why?
• How will this information influence you, both personally and professionally? Do you plan to
change any practices?
• What can we do as health care professionals to promote environmental health? Think about the
different care areas where nurses practice: how can we make an impact in each of these settings?
o Acute care hospitals
o Long term care facilities
o Schools
o Jails/Prisons
o Other outpatient settings
Demarco, R.F. & Healey-Walsh, J. (2020). Community and public health nursing: Evidence for
practice (3rd Ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer
Lippincott CoursePoint+ Enhanced for DeMarco’s Community and Public Health Nursing
rd edition