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Assume you are a researcher employed by the Salomon Marketing Consulting Agency. Your client/brand has asked for

an in-depth review, involving an analysis on consumer behavior in two topic areas (see sample list at end – you may

choose your own topics but with prior approval from your professor). The goal of the paper is to help your client

understand the following:

The attitudes and behaviors consumers have about the brand in relation to your chosen topics

How some consumers consistently exhibit this behavior towards the brand/chosen topics – and some do not

If the brand positions itself effectively in the minds of its consumers in terms of your chosen topics

What your findings mean for the client. Should the client change its overall brand positioning strategy? How are

your research findings useful in shaping future marketing decisions?


Open your paper with a brief history statement about the Dove company, and then introduce the consumer behavioral topics chosen for your brand which are SENSORY MARKETING and EMOTIONAL MESSAGE APPEALS. Indicate how these issues are especially relevant to Dove. Include a thesis statement at the end of the introduction that clearly states what you are trying to prove in this paper. For example, “This paper will demonstrate how my client, Mercedes Benz, leverages consumer behavior concepts and theories, specifically, memory, nostalgia and instrumental (operant) conditioning, to influence the decision-making processes of their key audience, Baby Boomers”. The hypothesis sets the tone for your entire paper so make sure it is clear, direct and well presented at the end of your introduction otherwise you will lose points.

Research Findings:

Research your topics in relation to your brand from the required number of academic, industry and social sources and summarize your findings. Your research must include at least one academic journal source (i.e. Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Consumer Behavior, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Retailing, etc.,) three industry related sources i.e. Forbes.com, U.S. Census, Nielsen, Hoovers, WSJ.com, Business Insider, etc., and one social media source – please note a YouTube video URL is not an acceptable source. Further clarification regarding your social source: Identify your brand’s “social media image” via sources such as: social sites, online brand communities, bloggers, media, etc., and cite observed opinions. For example, if your brand is the Phillip Morris Tobacco Company, there are many experts, influencers, aspirational groups, brand communities and/or social sites who have much to say about how the brand uses unethical marketing strategies and tactics to promote their chronic problem “tobacco” products. Look out for areas of agreement and/or disagreement across research findings and incorporate these into this section.


Reiterate your thesis and then elaborate on what the implications are in terms of your research findings for your brand/client. For each topic discussed in the paper, develop a managerial recommendation for the brand/client. It needs to be a strategic marketing recommendation the brand/client could use to improve or enhance its short or long-term brand positioning or marketing strategy. It should not be written as a summary of findings otherwise you will lose points.

Works Cited

  1. The paper should be approximately 1200 to 1300 words (4 to 5 pages), double-spaced – this includes a title page and a separate “Works Cited list” in APA format. All sources need to be cited and bolded WITHIN your paper as well. Students who do not use in-paper cites will not receive credit for the Evidence rubric section. Use the Tahoma, Calibri, or Ariel font style and a 12-point. At least three industry sources, one academic journal source and one social media source are required for this paper. If you do not have the required number of sources per category, you will lose points. Please note I check the validity of all sources as well as the citation pattern within your document.