Public Relations Campaign for a New Product or Service
Our public relations team has been approached by Bavarian Motor Works (BMW) to create a promotional campaign for their new BMW 14 vehicle that will be released in 2022. For this campaign we are going to first, give a full description of the new BMW 14. We will identify our target market and then explain to them all characteristics that make this product unique and a must have. After a team meeting, we have brainstormed Ideas about how to showcase the best qualities of this product to the intended audience. Our public relations team along with the marketing department have generated a list of the best media outlets for us to employ to ensure that we reach our market or audience. In addition, there were some promotional opportunities for this product within our client’s company that we have identified. There was also research that we conducted to ensure our initial approach is on target. In this paper we will clarify and explain our plan of action including an explanation as to why we selected this approach.
A description of the product or service for which you will be developing a promotional campaign
Promotional opportunities for this product/service within your client’s company