

Question: respond this post

“History is linear, a meaningful sequence of events leading to the fulfillment of God’s purposes for humanity” (Sire, p. 43).

Szterszky (2018) states that “we crave truth and beauty, love and justice, purpose and ultimate meaning.” Having a purpose in life is essential. God has endowed each individual with a purpose. Therefore, we must try and find out what our purpose in life is. As an emerging leader, I must understand my meaning and live it to the fullest so that those who look up to me do the same. Leaders must recognize that they are role models for many people and that whatever they do may have an indirect or direct impact on someone.

“History is linear,” according to Sire, implies that our actions have a meaningful sequence, even if they appear to be confusing or chaotic (p. 43). The common phrase, “forget about the past,” should be done away with since it tends to consider history meaningless. Our histories shape who we become, and the more we remember them, the better we seek to do. Szterszky (2018) claims that with regards to actors, “when things don’t go their way, they wonder if the universe is teaching them a lesson or simply has other plans.” The same line of thought should be given when we look back at our histories.

When trying to find the purpose that God has bestowed on us, our histories play a significant role. Our ability to use history and derive lessons from it so that we can reshape our lives can help us get to our purpose sooner rather than later. As Sire (2009) puts it, “history is the divine purpose of God in the concrete form” (p. 43). Hence, ignoring history or forgetting about it completely may stray us further from our true purposes.

In that regard, since we are taught to learn from the mistakes of others, can we use the history of other individuals to find our own purposes?



Each post must be approx. 250 words and –

(a) the paper beginning with a opening quote.

(B)cite the preceding post (where applicable),
(c) cite at least TWO reading from the course or program. Citation with page number.
(d) conclude with an open-ended ques<on raised by your own reflection.

All posts should be clearly wrimen and contain no APA/spelling/grammaMcal errors. The required posts are substanMve, showing depth of knowledge on the topic.

o Substan>ve posts may include:

  • ”  Providing a new thought, idea, or perspecMve;
  • ”  CiMng an experience or example of what we are learning;
  • ”  Adding a new twist on a perspecMve;
  • ”  QuesMoning or challenging an idea, concept, principle, or perspecMve.

o Substan>ve posts are NOT:

  • ”  Very basic comments such as “I agree” or “I disagree”;
  • ”  RestaMng what has been said (unless there is a purpose in doing so);
  • ”  DisrespecZully disagreeing;
  • ”  Closed answers that do not provoke further thought.

Example: ( picture go down)