Paper already half written


  1. Review the case study.
  2. Research a separate case study in which you feel the fire departments actions were negligent.
    1. You must use a resource other than your textbooks for research.
    2. Refer to Chapter 10 page 289 in Managing Fire and Emergency Services for additional examples of case studies.
  3. Write a 1,000 to 1,300-word paper based on your research. Include the following:
    1. Define negligence.
    2. Summarize the case study you researched.
    3. Determine if the fire department is negligent in the case study you analyzed and justify your reasoning.
    4. Outline the similarities and/or differences between your case study and the Annual Subscription Rates case study.
    5. Determine if the fire department was negligent in the Annual Subscription Rates case study and justify your reasoning.