Paper and presentation


  1. Identify the three major types of controls that organizations can use to protect their information resources and provide an example of each one.
  2. What is TCP/IP? Explain its layers and how they are used.
  3. Discuss the ethical and legal issues related to electronic commerce and provide examples.
  4. Apply cloud computing to an organization and identify the key benefits of it.
  5. Describe each phase of the business analytics process.
  6. Apply the six common types of electronic commerce to an organization.
  7. Discuss the four business decisions that companies must make when they acquire new applications.

A reminder to have at least six (6) peer-reviewed sources.


Prepare a professional PowerPoint presentation summarizing your findings from the paper. The presentation will consist of your major findings, analysis, and recommendations in a concise presentation of 15 slides (minimum). You should use content from your report as material for your PowerPoint presentation. In addition, you should include learning outcomes from all your major assignments. An agenda, executive summary, and references slides should also be included. Presentations should not exceed 15 minutes.