paper assignment

Using your Film Glossary, the weblink How to Analyze a Film provided under Resources, Spike Lee: That’s My Story and I’m Sticking To It, and the youtube videos found on Sakai under Resources Film Making Basics and Film Techniques and the youtube clips below, choose ONE film that we have viewed thus far to analyze and discuss its cinematography.  5-7 pages required

Include an overview of how the director employs various film and camera techniques to enhance and  effectively tell the film’s story.  Reference at least twenty (20) terms from the  Film Glossary in your breakdown of various camera techniques and angle shots, lighting, mise en scene, etc.  Be sure to include any camera techniques, cinematography, and sound design choices that are unique to that specific director. 

Also, do not neglect to include discussion of how historical, social, political, cultural, and economic issues are referenced cinematically in the chosen film.   

Feel free to include jpeg images,  screenshots or time stops from the film  to demonstrate the specific camera angles, lighting, setting or scenes you are referencing.

Here is a youtube video that breakdowns aspects of Lee’s style of filmmaking…You Know it’s Spike Lee If

And here are videos from your syllabus to aide you as well….

How Spike Lee Created Three Signature Visual Shots

How to Speak Movie: Part 3 Editing

How to Speak Movie: Part 1 The Camera