Paper instructionsREQUIREMENTS:Please limit your response to 200 up to 300 words per questionDon’t forget to follow ground rules for assignments!———————————According to the Natio

Paper instructionsREQUIREMENTS:Please limit your response to 200 up to 300 words per questionDon’t forget to follow ground rules for assignments!———————————According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) abuse of tobacco, alcohol, and illicitdrugs is costly to our nation, exacting more than $700 billion annually in costs related to crime,lost work productivity and health care. Results from a yearly survey of teenagers conducted bythe University of Michigan's Institute for Social Research found that the use of cigarettes,alcohol, and abuse of prescription pain relievers among teens has declined since 2013 whilemarijuana use rates and e-cigarette use rates have increased. Policy makers want to reduce theuse of marijuana and e-cigarettes among teens.

1. Propose two causal theories about marijuana/e-cigarette use among teens. Make sure that youprovide evidence to support your causal theories. (2 points – 1 points for each causal theory)2. Based on the theories you identified, propose two policy tools that could be used to reduce theuse of marijuana/e-cigarette among teens. Explain why those tools would be good and effectiveat reducing marijuana/e-cigarette use among teens. That is, explain each policy tool'seffectiveness and how it will change teens' marijuana/e-cigarette use. (3 points – 1.5 points foreach policy tool and explanation)