Paper should include the following format and items to be considered complete. You may choose any topic from the textbook that you would like to learn more about. Your topic should be narrow enough to

Paper should include the following format and items to be considered complete. You may choose any topic from the textbook that you would like to learn more about. Your topic should be narrow enough to be able to write the paper without being overwhelmed and broad enough to gather enough information for the paper requirements.

Textbook – Psychology of Adjustments : The Search for Meaningful Balance by John Moritsugu

Broad topic: Romance and Intimacy 


Paper Topic: 

Locate 3-5 academic articles related to your topic. All articles should be a minimum of 3 pages in length. Your articles should be current and no older than 2012. Your articles should come from peer-reviewed journals that you can get from the CTC Library database. Articles from newspapers, popular magazines, book reviews, or websites are not acceptable for this paper. All of your articles should not come from the same publication.


  • Must contain an attention grabber for the reader or at least make the essay sound interesting, may begin with a quote about the particular topic
  • Ensure that the intro moves from the general to the specific in regards to the topic
  • Provides the reader with a “road map” of the essay in a logical order
  • At the end, there should be what is called a thesis statement, arguably the most important component of the intro
  • The thesis statement states the aim of the paper and may give insight into the author’s examples and evidence


  • Includes the evidence and support of the paper in addition to the author’s ideas
  • Paragraphs must include a topic sentence that relates the discussion back to the thesis statement
  • Logical ordering of ideas: 3 types of order:
  • Chronological order—order of time, good for narratives
  • Spatial order-good for descriptions of locations; top to bottom, e.g.
  • Emphatic order-least important to most important; most common for college writing
  • Ensure that transition sentences are present to create a good flow to the essay
  • Include substantial examples and evidence to support your argument and remember to cite, cite, cite!
  • Make sure each example is relevant to your particular topic
  • Personal Reflection:
  • This section should contain 1-2 paragraphs of your own personal reflections on the topic. This can be your personal opinion of the topic, personal experience, a reason for why you chose this topic, etc. There is no need for you to have references and citations for this portion of the paper.


  • This section should wrap all of your arguments and points
  • Should restate the main arguments in a simplified manner
  • Ensure that the reader is left with something to think about, particularly if it is an argumentative essay

Final Paper – Guidelines

The Final Paper should consist of a minimum of four with a maximum of six typed pages of content (this does not include the title page, abstract, or reference page). Each paper option has a format that should be followed in order to ensure you have met all of the requirements.

Be sure that the paper submission adheres to the following formatting requirements:

  • Use double-spacing.
  • Use size 12 font Arial or Times New Roman. Do not try to increase your paper length with another font.
  • Set margins to one-inch on all sides.
  • Be sure to include your name/course title on the first page.
  • Write in complete sentences, use good English grammar, and correct spelling.
  • APA documentation style must be used when citing references in context and bibliography (if any).
  • Your paper will be ran through Safe Assign to prevent plagiarism.