park 2


review Chapter 4 of your course text.

You are a manager with five years of experience and need to write a report for senior management on how your firm can avoid the threat of a Federal Trade Commission investigation if you were to merge with other health care organizations. Research on your own to select a health care organization in the United States that has been charged with an antitrust action within the last five years and use this information as the basis for:

1) Summarize the charges and rebuttal or mitigation of charges used by the health care organization you researched.

2) Discuss lessons learned and propose actions that can be taken by your management to avoid similar anti- trust actions in your proposed merger.

You must include an introduction, thesis, and conclusion. Your paper must be four to five double-spaced, formatted according to APA 7 style (sample attached). Utilize three scholarly and/or peer-reviewed sources within the last five years