park university MG260 Unit 6 discussion

Unit 6: Discussion2626 unread replies.3737 replies.DirectionsDiscussion Debate: We are going to discuss product liability in a debate format. I have divided the class into groups according to last name. If your last name begins with A-L argue that a manufacturer has a responsibility to lessen the risk of a harmful product. If your last name begins with M-Z argue that a manufacturer does not have a responsibility to lessen the risk of a harmful product.Please support your answer using your text and Internet research and limit your comments to 300 words or less. When you quote or cite a website please list the website at the bottom of your comments in APA citation format.Please noteIn your research you should review p. 549-552 review this week’s Case Study and search the web. In particular you might want to search”>Google (Links to an external site.) for information on either the”>McDonald’s Coffee Case (Links to an external site.) or the case where an obese man sued a fast food restaurant.When you do your Peer Review choose someone who argued the opposite side if possible.Please read Reminders in the drop down menu above. Scroll down at “Select a Topic ” select Reminders then click on Go. It contains important information concerning the paper so please review it. Thanks