Part 1: A 250-word (maximum) abstract must contain: 1) A research question; 2) A thesis statement; 3) A statement of how the thesis statement applies to the chosen film and Borges’ fiction; 4) A state

Part 1: A 250-word (maximum) abstract must contain: 1) A research question; 2) A thesis statement; 3) A statement of how the thesis statement applies to the chosen film and Borges’ fiction; 4) A statement about the conceptual framework (ideas from the secondary scholarly sources). 

Part 2: The final project consists of a research paper that explores the relevance of Borges’ writings in contemporary culture within the United States. The project should analyze a film of your choice through the lens of Borges’ ideas. The analysis must incorporate at least TWO of his works read in class and at least TWO secondary scholarly sources.

The final project will consist of at least FIVE pages in length (Times New Roman, 12 pt., double space, or about 1500 words) PLUS a list of bibliographical references. 

The movie is Black Mirror: Bandersnatch, David Slade 

I have attached 2 Borges fiction readings (Tlon, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius. AND Coleridge’s Dream) and I have also attached the secondary scholarly sources (Baudrillard-simulacra, AND THE CONCEPT OF TIME OF JORGE LUIS BORGES)

Part 1: DUE May 7th at 10 pm est. 

Part 2: DUE May 13th at 11 pm est.

I will not pay until both parts of the paper are complete.