Part 1) You have 1 Discussion Question option this week – please answer it in a minimum of 175 words: First, watch the “Narcissism” video. Second, provide a brief summary of what you learned. What

Part 1) 

You have 1 Discussion Question option this week – please answer it in a minimum of 175 words: 

First, watch the “Narcissism” video.

Second, provide a brief summary of what you learned. 

What did you find interesting? What specific knowledge did you gain from watching the video?

*(if you are having trouble opening the video – try this link instead Narcissism Video )

  • Part 2)
  • 3-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation on your case scenario. Include the following in your presentation:
  • Describe possible treatment interventions for this inmate or offender, as well as the pros and cons of each


A young man name Jason Teddy aged twenty found himself in the criminal justice system for stalking. Jason grew up in a home with his mother who was a divorced lawyer. Jason’s father was arrogant, controlling, abusive and his mother divorced his father when he was 7 years old. Jason’s mother made sure he had everything he ever thought he wanted.  Jason’s mother never told him no or he can’t have as a child. However, Jason’s mother worked long hours and was never really at home. Jason had the best of everything but lacked the guidance, love and attention every child needs to become a well-rounded individual. He also grew up blaming himself for their divorce which built a defense mechanism of lacking empathy