I have the textbook link but I don’t know how to forward it here. 


Read Ch. 9: Instructional Approaches

Answer Reading Comprehensive Questions at the end of the chapter (Ch. 9: #s  2, 3, 9). Be detailed with answers.


Read Ch. 10:  Adapting the Content for Diverse Learning

Answer Reading Comprehensive Questions at the end of the chapter (Ch. 10: #s 1, 2, 9). Be detailed with answers.


Read Ch. 11: Reflecting on Student Responses

Answer Reading Comprehensive Questions at the end of the chapter (Ch. 11: #s 2, 4, 9). Be detailed with answers. 


Read Ch. 12: Assessing Student Learning

Answer Reading Comprehensive Questions at the end of the chapter (Ch. 12: #s 2, 4, 6, 9). Be detailed with answers.