ped chapter

 The text book is attached below 

Read Ch. 13:  Reflecting on Teaching

Answer Reading Comprehensive Questions at the end of the chapter (Ch. 13: #s 3, 6, 9). Be detailed with answers.


Read Ch. 14: Space Awareness

Answer Reading Comprehensive Questions at the end of the chapter (Ch. 14: #s 1, 3, 4, 10). Be detailed with answers.


Read Ch. 15: Effort Concepts 

Answer Reading Comprehensive Questions at the end of the chapter (Ch. 15: #s 1, 2, 3, 9). Be detailed with answers.


Read Ch. 16: Relationships

Answer Reading Comprehensive Questions at the end of the chapter (Ch.16: #s 1, 2, 4, 9). Be detailed with answers.


Read Ch. 17: Traveling

Answer Reading Comprehensive Questions at the end of the chapter (Ch. 17: #s 1, 2, 4). Be detailed with answers.


Read Ch.18: Chasing, Fleeing, and Dodging 

Answer Reading Comprehensive Questions at the end of the chapter (Ch. 18: #s 1, 6, 7, 11). Be detailed with answers.


Read Ch.19: Bending, Stretching, Curling, and Twisting

Answer Reading Comprehensive Questions at the end of the chapter (Ch.19: # 4). Be detailed with answers.


Read Ch.20: Jumping and Landing

Answer Reading Comprehensive Questions at the end of the chapter (Ch. 20: #s 2, 5, 9). Be detailed with answers.