Peer discussion response (AG)

in your own words respond to peer discussion response below:

Solving frozen conflicts and building better relations is no easy task, but I believe the recommendation to commence a private dialogue between Russia and Western interlocutors would be most effective. Just as the text states, the private dialogue would be utilized to identify specific differences and to focus on areas of agreement. (Silaev, Hill, Khintba, pg. 13). Resolving a conflict by focusing on mutual agreements rather than focusing on the disagreements could ultimately solve whatever tensions exist. Or if not completely resolved, this recommendation could help give a better understanding of where two areas stand with one another. Because of Russia’s “decline of influence” (Troianovski, 2020), utilizing this strategy would be beneficial in the ongoing conflict with Eastern Ukraine.

The Ukraine crisis has been ongoing for years and during an interview between Pavel Koshkin and Sergey Markedonnov, Markedonnov stated that he hopes a resolution is in the works. As well, Markedonnov stated his beliefs on solving the conflict, which will take a reassessment of the current agreements between both parties (Koshkin, 2015). A private meeting with head leaders would ensure that some sort of remedy is set in place. Just as Markedonnov said in the interview “as soon as both sides finally understand that they could totally destroy each other, the conflict might be frozen” (Koshkin, 2015).