Personal Reflection

After completing the exercise you should have some idea of your potential for being a professional counselor.  You may use the questions as sub-headings. (APA format required)

  • What are my three best personal qualities and the three      areas in my life I wish to improve?
  • If I was asked what was my philosophy of life, how      would I respond?
  • What is most often my pervasive mood? Is my glass half      full or half empty?
  • What do I believe about people in general?
  • How effectively do I handle constructive feedback from      others?
  • What role do my gender, religion, sexual orientation,      and ethnic values play in my life?
  • What are my professional strengths and weaknesses      relative to being a counselor?
  • What are my professional goals at this point?
  • How do I handle stress?
  • What is your motivation for becoming a helper? How do      my answers to the questions above detract or add to my goal of becoming a      counselor?

This exercise was adapted from material by Dr. Glenda Reynolds, Auburn University at Montgomery.  Her contribution is greatly appreciated.