Persuasive Essay Writing Plan

Persuasive Essay (Due Week Four)

Chosen topic 

  • The persuasive essay requires you to argue a position on a debatable topic. 
  • You will support your position by conducting research, evaluating evidence, and presenting it in a well-organized essay. 
  • This assignment is based on research. It is not simply a preference or an expression of your opinion.   
  • The goal is to persuade a reader to adopt a certain point of view by using reliable sources, statistics and facts, logic, examples, and expert opinions.
  • The essay should address an opposing view, and respectfully state why your position is stronger.
  • The final essay should include a thesis statement, clear position on chosen topic, acknowledgement of the opposing view, clear purpose and direction, and effective conclusion.
  • Revised essay should be error free and consistent in tone, point of view and verb tense.
  • Three reliable sources are required to support your position.
  • Reliable sources include Keiser Library, Google scholar, and others approved by your instructor.


Should the minimum wage be raised from its current $7.25 per hour?


  • 1000 words minimum
  • Must include three sources with in-text and reference citations
  • Microsoft Word document
  • APA Format with title page, introduction, body, conclusion, and reference page