Phase II: Company Profile and Industry Overview

Phase II: Company Profile and Industry Overview

Company Profile

This is an overview of your organization including who is involved and the scope of what the company does.

  • Type of Organization
  • Name of Organization
  • Hours of Operation
  • Scope of Service Line
  • Clients Served
  • Location of clinics/services
  • Description of Business
  • Industry Overview
  • this is an analysis of the industry and economy in which the organization operates
  • it demonstrated a current understanding of industry characteristics and trends
  • a trend is a definite, predictable direction of events
  • Conduct this type of research using secondary data sources

See the below areas that should be covered in the industry overview and the chapters where you can review the subjects:

Overall Business or Client Trends and Opportunities

  1. Social changes Chapter 3
  2. Economic reimbursement changes Chapter 3
  3. Demographic changes Chapter 3
  4. Health care delivery changes Chapter 3
  5. Regulatory/political changes Chapter 3
  6. Key success factors in your segment of the industry Chapter 3
  7. Barriers to entry in your segment of the industry Chapter 2
  8. Barriers to exist in your segment of the industry Chapter 2


Essentials of Health Care Marketing 9781284094312 Eric N. Berkowitz Jones & Bartlett Publishers 

Reference for book:  

Berkowitz, E. N. (2022). Essentials of health care marketing. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.