

In the interview this week, Dr. Sharpe addresses the nature of meaning, which is one of the primary driving forces behind human existence.

To prepare for this Discussion:

Listen to the Radio Laureate Interview with Dr. Kevin Sharpe: “The Quest for Meaning.”

Consider the things that create meaning for you in your life.

Reflect on whether meaning in your life is influenced by spiritual thinking, scientific explanations, both, or neither.

With these thoughts in mind:

a 2- to 3-paragraph response deciding whether or nor you believe meaning to be the most essential human element. Analyze which elements of the scientific and/or spirit realm create meaning for your life (or if neither field creates meaning for you, explain why not). Explain how meaning does, or does not, serve as a bridge the realms of science and spirit for you.

Be sure to support your ideas by connecting them to the week’s Learning Resources, or something you have read, heard, seen, or experienced.