

In this week’s interview, Dr. Sharpe shares what is in many ways his “last lecture,” in which he brings closure to his life’s work and talks about the ideas that have inspired him. As you look back on this course and your new learning, reflect on what you might include if you were asked to give a “last lecture” of your own, focusing on the elements that have shaped your life’s work or what you imagine what your life’s work will be. What kind of legacy do you hope to leave behind? In what ways do you think happiness and love will figure into that legacy? And perhaps most importantly: What changes can you make to your life now to ensure that at the end of your life, you will have lived the way you wanted?

To prepare 

  • Listen to the Radio Laureate Interview with Dr. Kevin Sharpe: “The Road Behind and the Road Ahead.”
  • Think about some of the contributions to the world that you’d like to make that you could share in your own “last lecture.”
  • Consider how this course has impacted the way that you think about Science and Religion.
  • Reflect on how you could apply what you have learned in this course to your own life, community, and work.

The assignment:

  • Compose a 500-word in which you do the following:
    • Share three elements that you think you would include in your own “last lecture” if you were asked to describe the contributions that you see yourself making to the world.
    • Assess how this course has impacted your understanding of Science and Spirituality in general.
    • Describe how your learning in this course, especially about different expressions and understandings of love and happiness, will impact your own life.