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2.                  How do Plato and Aristotle theorize the relationship between Metaphysics and Ethics?

4.                  Aristotle developed a system of categories in order to express being and its various manifestations.

a.                    Briefly explain his system of categories.

b.                  According to Aristotle, what is the relationship between categories and substance?

c.                    Is there a relationship between this system of categories and his hylomorphism?

5.                  For Plato, the form (or idea, eidos) was the ultimate meaning of a substance. In contrast, Aristotle writes in Metaphysics, Z, 11, 1037 a 29: Substance is the immanent form, from which along with the matter the so-called compound substance is derived. Please explain this sentence. How does Aristotle differ from Platos conception? 

6.                  Explain Aristotles theory of causation, then answer the following questions:

a.                    Compare Aristotle with Parmenides: Where do the two philosophers agree, and where do they differ when it comes to explaining causation? 

b.                  Is it possible to give complete scientific explanations of natural phenomena based on blind necessity, without referring to any “final causes” (purposes or tendencies) in nature?