
Part 1
For this assignment, you will begin writing your Term Paper by choosing your topic and providing an outline of your paper and a list of resources that you plan to use to support your writings.
You will select one of the prompts listed in the attached Term Paper Instructions. Once you have entered this assignment link, select the Write Submission icon by the Text Submission option. Type your chosen prompt in the text box provided, attach both the Outline and Reference Page assignments as separate Microsoft Word Document attachments, and submit your assignment.
For further details on the expectations and formatting for your Term Paper Outline and Reference Page, please refer to the attached Term Paper Instructions document.

Part 2
For the final part of the term paper, you will continue to expound on your chosen prompt, following the outline that you created in Module/Week 5 and using the references that you listed. As you continue to research, you may find new resources or replace some of your original resources. This is acceptable as long as you keep your original topic and at least 5 outside resources.
For the final draft of your term paper, please keep the following instructions in mind:
You must submit your paper as a Microsoft Word document, double-spaced, with 12-point Times New Roman font and 1 margins.
A title page, abstract, and reference page must be included in the final submission.
All references should be cited in proper APA formatting.
Your submission should consist of at least 1600 words.
For further assistance with APA formatting, please review the resources included in the Start Here folder of your course. For further instructions on the expectations and grading of the Term Paper, please refer to the attached Term Paper Instructions and Rubric documents.