Philosophy Essay

Social Contract: in political philosophy, an actual or hypothetical compact, or agreement, between the ruled and their rulers, defining the rights and duties of each. (Britannica).

In other words: The people give up certain freedoms for protection from the government. The government gives up certain freedoms in order to protect the people. The people have certain responsibilities to the government in exchange for the governments responsibilities to the people.  

Example: We pay taxes, go to school, behave appropriately, vote, etc. The government, in return, gives us military and police protection, attempts to provide justice, builds and maintains things such as fire departments, schools, hospitals, roads, bridges, etc.

***Think about your own place in that contract.***

***Has the government provided for the things you are promised?***

***Have you given back what is expected?***

(Think about these questions for the third section of your essay) 

Social Contract Theories: