Physics project

  For the project, you will need to:

1. Estimate your greenhouse gas emissions based on your energy use.

Please go to the following EPA website, and answer a few questions to get this estimate. Copy the estimated values into the tables provided on pages 3 and 4 in the attached “Instructions in Detail” document. Paste these completed tables in the Results section of your project report.


2. Make three graphs for the indicators of climate change (temperature, sea level, and Annual Greenhouse Gas Index) and paste them in the Results section of your report.

The instructions for making these graphs and their websites are on pages 5 and 6 of the attached “Instructions in Detail” document.

3. Complete the “Quantitative Component” which are a few Math questions found in the attached Quantitative Component document and paste it into the Quantitative section of your report.

4. Add a picture showing participation in at least one sustainable activity this semester (e.g., recycling) to the Experimental section of your report.

5. Add a screenshot of your GLOBE Clouds home page to the Experimental section of your report. You need at least one clouds observation this semester.

6. Write a 700 to 1,500-word paper (project report) in APA style describing what the greenhouse effect is and how human activity contributes to it. The “Project Report Outline” document has the template you need to complete this report.

Note: the greenhouse effect occurs when gases such as carbon dioxide in the atmosphere trap heat that would otherwise escape to space. This warms the planet.