Answer the questions essay style, writing 1 and half pages for each.  Warning: do not plagiarize. 

1. Taking into account what you have learned in this course, explain the Biblical theology informing a church education program (Bible Study Class).    (20 pts.) 

2. Taking into account your own model presentation and the presentations of your classmates, identify and explain three teaching models appropriate for implementation in the church education program.    (30 pts.) 

a) Jigsaw Teaching Method (Elliot Aronson) Social 

b) Mastery Learning (Bloom/Glasser) Behavioral

c) Operant Conditioning (Skinner) Behavioral 

d) Memorization Teaching Methods (Levin/Pressley) 

e) Non-directive Teaching (Carl Rogers) Personal

3. Evaluate the organization of an existing church education program (Church Sunday School Class) in terms of best practices in church education administration. Give your opinion of the church that you studied (Baptist Church) and compare it to what is considered the best way to do things. What is the program trying to do? How well is it accomplishing the goals? What would you do differently if you were in charge of it? What things can you apply to your own situation?  (30 pts.)

4. Apply basic principles of curriculum design to the church education program by explaining the various components of the curriculum project. In your opinion, which component(s) are most crucial and why?   (20 pts.) 

(The three components:  a curriculum map, an unit, and an individual lesson plan.)