planning the project


Assigned Readings:Chapter 4: Framework for Project ManagementChapter 5: Stakeholder ManagementChapter 6: Culture and Project ManagementInitial Postings: Read and reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Then post what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding in each assigned textbook chapter.Your initial post should be based upon the assigned reading for the week, so the textbook should be a source listed in your reference section and cited within the body of the text. Other sources are not required but feel free to use them if they aid in your discussion.Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:

  1. PMBOK has identified 10 fundamental knowledge areas you need for effective project management. Identify these knowledge areas and assess the linkages among these knowledge areas.
  2. How would you describe the culture within your last or current project?

[Your post must be substantive and demonstrate insight gained from the course material. Postings must be in the student’s own words – do not provide quotes!] [Your initial post should be at least 450+ words and in APA format (including Times New Roman with font size 12 and double spaced). Post the actual body of your paper in the discussion thread then attach a Word version of the paper for APA review 

1. Identify a major public infrastructure project that is either underway, complete, or proposed in your region. This could be a bridge, road, building, or something of that nature. For the project you have identified, think of as many stakeholders and stakeholder groups as you can. Create a three-column table. In column 1, list the stakeholders. In column 2, list what each stakeholder wants to get from the project. In column 3, list the influence each stakeholder has over the project.2. How can the stakeholders change over the course of a project? Give examples of changes in who the stakeholders are, and also in how their interests or influence over the project might change throughout the term of the project. 

Subject 2


Assigned Readings:Chapter 3. Engineering Economic AnalysisInitial Postings: Read and reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Then post what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding in each assigned textbook chapter.Your initial post should be based upon the assigned reading for the week, so the textbook should be a source listed in your reference section and cited within the body of the text. Other sources are not required but feel free to use them if they aid in your discussion.Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:

  1. American businesses have often been criticized for short-term thinking that places too much emphasis on payback period and ROR. When Honda started making cars in the early 1970s, for example, the chief executive officer stated that the firm would be willing to accept an ROR no greater than 2% or 3% for as long as it took to be recognized as the best car maker in the world. In light of the success of many Japanese firms, is the criticism of American business justified?
  2. Most countries have a progressive income tax system whereby each dollar earned in incrementally higher tax brackets is taxed at an increasingly higher rate. Do you think that a flat tax system would be more fair? How about a proportional tax system? Explain your answer.

[Your post must be substantive and demonstrate insight gained from the course material. Postings must be in the student’s own words – do not provide quotes!] [Your initial post should be at least 450+ words and in APA format (including Times New Roman with font size 12 and double spaced). Post the actual body of your paper in the discussion thread then attach a Word version of the paper for APA review] 


A young engineer decides to save $240 per year toward retirement in 40 years.

  1. If he invests this sum at the end of every year at 9%, then how much will be accumulated by retirement time?
  2. If by astute investing the interest rate could be raised to 12%, then what sum could be saved?
  3. If he deposits one fourth of this annual amount each quarter ($60 per quarter) in an interest bearing account earning a nominal annual interest rate of 12%, compounded quarterly, how much could be saved by retirement time?
  4. In part (c), then what annual effective interest rate is being earned?


A young engineer decides to save $240 per year toward retirement in 40 years.

  1. If he invests this sum at the end of every year at 9%, then how much will be accumulated by retirement time?
  2. If by astute investing the interest rate could be raised to 12%, then what sum could be saved?
  3. If he deposits one fourth of this annual amount each quarter ($60 per quarter) in an interest bearing account earning a nominal annual interest rate of 12%, compounded quarterly, how much could be saved by retirement time?
  4. In part (c), then what annual effective interest rate is being earned?