Plastics Impacts and Alternatives

Please watch the video carefully because your assignment is based on the video and the pdf. 

  • Your assignment has three components for you to complete.  Submit the assignment by April 1 St  using the submission link on assignment folder.
  • 1- In your assignment you will state what type of plastics are used to manufacture water bottles (specify where on the lecture you found the information, refer to which minutes of the lecture you found the information at). If you had to find alternatives to using plastics, provide one alternative you will use. (3 points)
  • 2- Why is the bottled water and the plastic bottle detrimental to the environment and our health (again specify where in the video you got the information from, 3 points)
  • 3- From the pdf on the plastic pollution and marine environment comment on how plastic waste can be extremely harmful to the marine ecosystems, mention at least two harmful impacts of plastics and how they affect the marine ecosystems (6 points, specify where on the pdf you found that information).