Play critique

PLAY CRITIQUE PAPERS  GUIDELINES: TWO pages Minimum/Ten Pages Maximum Double spaced Typed 12-point font Times News Roman or Arial BASIC INFORMATION: Your Name!            What date and time? What play? Who was the author?  Script:  Try to identify the following.            What was the major conflict, dramatic question, or unifying theme?            What was the dominant tone of the play?  Serious?  Comic?  Ironic? Explain. Directing:  Try to comment on the following. Was there an identifiable production concept, unifying metaphor, or interpretational approach?  If so, what was it and how was it manifested in the production? Were all of the elements of the production compatible and coordinated? Explain. If not, what seemed out of place or inadequately integrated with the rest? Acting:  Choose at least two actors (male or female) to comment on in some depth.  Please spell actors and characters names correctly. Were the roles appropriately cast?  Were some actors inadequate to their roles?  In what ways?  Were some actors especially effective?  If so, how and with what effect? Were the actors audible?  Understandable? Were there any special skills (such as dancing, singing, fencing, playing a musical instrument) required of any of the actors?  If so, how effectively were the demands met? Scenic Design:  Try to comment on the following.            In what type of performance space was the production staged?            What characteristics did the scenery embody?  What did the scenery convey about the play? How did the scenery contribute (or fail to contribute) to the total production?  What would have been lost if the scenery had been eliminated? Costume Design and Makeup:  Try to comment on the following.            Were there any special costume needs?  (historical, fantasy? etc.?) If so how well was it handled?            Were there any special makeup needs?  (Same as above) If so how well was it handled?            Overall, how did costumes and makeup contribute (or fail to contribute) to the total production? Lighting Design and Sound:  Try to comment on the following.                Were there any special lighting or sound needs?  If so how well was it executed?    Overall, how did lighting and sound contribute (or fail to contribute) to the production concept and the total    production? Final Thoughts            What was your overall impression of the performance?            What was your overall impression of the experience?            Any final thoughts?  YOU DO NOT HAVE TO ANSWER EVERY QUESTION OR DISCUSS EVERY TOPIC ABOVE IN YOUR PLAY CRITIQUE.  THE QUESTIONS ARE TO ONLY TO ASSIST YOU IN WRITING ABOUT YOUR CHOSEN PRODUCTION.  FOR EXAMPLE, YOU COULD WRITE YOUR WHOLE PLAY CRITIQUE ONLY OVER THE SCENIC DESIGN OR ONLY OVER THE ACTING OF A SPECIFIC PRODUCTION.