Please do not use MLA guidelines. Carefully read Alice Walker’s story ENGL 1010 Everyday Use ADA Revised.pdf and think about the reason that Dee’s mother turns down her request in such a dramatic ma

Please do not use  MLA guidelines.

Carefully read Alice Walker’s story ENGL 1010 Everyday Use ADA Revised.pdf  and think about the reason that Dee’s mother turns down her request in such a dramatic manner.

  • As you read the story, you will realize that the way that family members communicate with one another may differ significantly from the way that people should communicate in professional and business letter writing.  In both situations, we may carry a certain amount of “emotional baggage” when we have to tell someone something that he or she may not want to hear.  However, in business writing, we must always maintain a professional, objective, and polite tone to ensure long-lasting business relationships.  Using clear, varied sentence patterns and punctuating clauses correctly will aid in presenting this professional image through business correspondence.
  • Next, write one paragraph of approximately eight to ten sentences reacting to the characters in the story and applying the events to similar situations in your own family or that of someone you know.  Focus on punctuation and clauses in your paragraph.  Furthermore, consider the manner that relatives like Dee’s mother say “no” in contrast to the way that professionals say “no” in a business setting.