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Assignment 1: Management Planning and Organizing

As part of management planning, companies starting up need to define their vision (long-term idealized ultimate company goal), their mission (or purpose statement), their values (their corporate beliefs), and their company goals that they will endeavor to meet in both the short and long term. These vision, mission, and values statements are typically found on corporate websites.

Once the company goals are determined, management addresses organizing to delineate the tasks and responsibilities of employees to accomplish the goals. For this assignment, you will be using the “Tim’s Coffee Shoppe” scenario from the final project assignment. This business simulation will be referenced throughout this course as you work on various aspects of your assignments.

Access . After viewing the scenario, address the following checklist items concerning planning and organizing in an 8-slide Microsoft presentation:

Checklist: In this assignment, you will develop the mission and vision statement for Tims Coffee Shoppe.

After looking up vision and mission statements on several of your preferred company websites for examples:

  • Decide on a mission and vision statement for Tims Coffee Shoppe.
  • Provide three bulleted for the next year.
  • Provide three bulleted goals for the long term (the next 3 years) for Tims Coffee Shoppe.
  • Include a short explanation of how Tim’s Coffee Shoppe can reach each of these goals (three (3) short-term and three (3) long-term).

Submit your response in a short Microsoft PowerPoint slide presentation consisting of a minimum of 8 slides, which includes a title slide and reference slide (at the end), using APAation style (see APA Academic Writer in the Academic Tools area). Submit your presentation to the unit Dropbox.