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According to Chien, evidence-based practice is “utilizing best evidence as basis of nursing practice” while research is “conducting research to generate new knowledge.” Both definitions go hand in hand, as we have learned it takes quality nursing research to generate quality results that produce evidence-based practice. Furthermore, evidence-based practice turns into new standards of care, policies, and workflows that is guided by a framework or theory. Research as mentioned above is the ability to create, and produce new advancements in healthcare by gathering data, information, analyze and interpreting findings. In this case, research serves as the innovation key to providing new ideas and methods that enlighten the health care world.

In evidenced based interventions (EBI’s), we see that treatment and care of a patient is supported by evidence. As stated by Hailemariam, “This includes a range of EBIs in treatment research, prevention, policy, medicine, community-based public health, and overall healthcare” (Hailemariam et al., 2019). The goal of evidence base intervention projects is to sustain health care changes that result from evidence. An interesting statistic that I came across indicated, “Current estimates suggest that it takes about 17 years to implement only 14% of evidence-based research outcomes in real-world settings” (Hailemariam et al., 2019). This gap might be a result of lack of training, and lack of incentives in utilizing EBI’s.

Either way, it is important to understand research as it helps validate new ideas that when proven effective lead to evidence-based practice.

Evidence-based practice and nursing research are often confused. There are several differences between them. Evidence based practice is focused on how to improve the health care quality and safety in the healthcare setting by applying evidence practice to make informed patient decisions (Conner, 2021). Research on the other hand aims to create new knowledge in a more generalized way. EBP caters specifically to a certain population of patients while research is broader. Research typically ends with the result specified from the beginning of the study, which would be used to provide suggestions for more research or recommendations for any possible changes in practice (Conner, 2021. EBP usually ends by making useful clinical decisions that involve changing previous practice to a better one based on the available accumulated evidence.

Patients are expected to benefit from EBP while in research projects patients may or may not benefit from such. To identify an evidence-based intervention project from a nursing research project, one can first identify the methodology (Conner, 2021. Research uses a methodology that can either be quantitative or qualitative in order to develop new knowledge or discoveries. EBP aims to seek and applies the best clinical evidence, often obtained from research, to provide the best patient care (Conner, 2021.