
In  57 complete sentences, summarize your Module One short story. Give  specific details about the exposition, rising action, climax, falling  action, and resolution. Your response should address each element of  plot.

Think  about the author’s use of structure in your Module One short story. How  does the author order events? What plot techniques (flashback, flash  forward, dream sequence) are used? In 35 complete sentences, thoroughly  explain how the author’s choices regarding structure create tension  and/or add to the meaning. Provide at least two specific details from the text to support your analysis of structure.

In  23 complete sentences, thoroughly explain the theme of your Module One  short story. What message or big idea does the author communicate  through the story? Provide at least two specific details from the text to support your analysis of the theme.

In  35 complete sentences, explain how the author develops the theme of  your Module One short story. You can discuss how the author uses  characters, conflict, events, or the setting to develop the theme;  discuss only the elements that apply. Provide at least two examples from  the text to show how the author develops the theme of your selected  short story.