Police studies assignment and Culture and Personality Assignment

Part 1: Police and culture course questions

Based on the following videos please answer the following question.

PART 1    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2v5dvxpTdTE


1.Discuss what you see on the videos.  Do you agree or disagree with the statements in these videos?  Why or Why not

Part 2: Culture and Personality course questions

1.First, define multiculturalism in three sentences.Second, based on the readings and the short TED video  explain how Kymlicka’s ideal about multiculturalism as a democratic citizenship grounded in human rights can be challenged in the context of the debate on de-naturalizing immigrants, as discussed in this New York Times article.
I have attached the readings for your perusal and put the links for the ted video and new york times article below
Ted Video:Multiculturalism — wanted, dead or alive | Dr Neli Demireva | TEDxUniversityofEssex

New York times article: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/26/us/politics/denaturalization-immigrants-justice-department.html?searchResultPosition=1
2.Respond to my classmate answer for the above question in a substantial way below.

Multiculturalism is characterized as a feel-good celebration of ethnic-cultural diversity, encouraging citizens to acknowledge and embrace panoply (Kymlicka pg,98). Multiculturalism is viewed as this utopia effect that is living together celebrating the common share regardless of the color of your skin. Leaders in politics shared different views on multiculturalism. Multiculturalism is a view as a political doctrine. Political leaders believed that multiculturalism could be achieved if people lived separate lives from mainstream society and develop their morals and values. Simultaneously, other political leaders believed that multiculturalism couldn’t be achieved and it’s a failed system.

          Multiculturalism is a term that morals and political claims of the disadvantaged groups, such as the immigrants and the minority groups. For example, during the segregation era, people were denied fair access to education, jobs, and housing due to religion and race. In the Ted Talk, the speaker emphasized the practice of multiculturalism and what is not practiced. She identified how identity is marginalized due to being questioned and suspected daily, which is concerning.

          The multiculturalism idea and multiculturalism need to be inspected because the multiculturalism idea shows the celebration of the uniqueness of having so much in common despite your skin color. The New York Times talks about the justice department planning to prioritize the denaturalizations, taking away citizenship. The process targeted immigrants who committed a crime to lie on the application. This also affects the naturalized immigrants that went through the naturalization process.

In the article, what stood out most is how the past three years, denaturalization case referrals to the department have increased 600 percent (Benner, Katie). Compared to Kymlicka’s text, her view on multiculturalism consist of policies and minority rights. She believed that multiculturalism is the re-assertion of ideas of the nation-building common values and identity and citizenship (Kymlicka pg,97). Overall, the justice system focuses on immigrants’ denaturalization instead of building the expected values with the immigrants, building the identity, and concentrating on the naturalization process for the immigrants who want to become citizens.

Thanks a lot for your hard work