Policy Analysis Worksheet 1

Policy Analysis begins with the identification and definition of a policy problem. This is an essential step because it drives the rest of your analysis. The prompts in the attached worksheet will help you identify the relevant components of the policy problem and help you comprehensively define that problem.

Once the problem is identified and defined, it is important to establish your definition of success, or your policy goal. It necessarily follows from the definition of the problem, but the definition of success may not be completely clear when only the problem is stated. The prompts in Worksheet 1 will help you define and justify your desired outcome.

These policy alternatives may come from academic or professional literature, from other locations who have demonstrated success in dealing with the same – or similar – problems, or may be your own ideas. Wherever the policy alternatives come from, you will need to describe what they are, where they came from, and how they work and why they are being considered. No action is also a policy alternative that you will need to consider for this exercise. In the attached worksheet, you will respond to the prompts to name, define and justify the options you are considering.

In your own word document, you will answer the specific prompts in the attached worksheet.  Each answer should be clear and complete, while also being concise. Any information coming from another source must be accompanied by a proper APA citation. You should use the numbered questions as headings. Whether you choose to use the sub-list questions as sub-headings or not, all of those elements must be present in your response.

Your submission will be assessed on the clarity of your responses, whether they are complete, the quality of your writing, and your use of proper APA citations.