policy&advocacy (week3) discussionreply2


ACA was passed in 2010, under the presidency of Barack Obama. Prior to this new act, there were plenty of votes that did not agree with the notion of accessible insurance. Before 2010, The private sector had been given coverage in such a way that Milstead and Short (2019) called it sickness insurance; meaning companies will risk incurring medical expenses as long as it was balanced by healthy people. They were doing so by excluding people that had pre-existing conditions, becoming a very solvent business (Milstead & Short, 2019). After ACA was passed that was no longer the case. When President Trump came into term he did so by bringing his own healthcare agenda, which attempted to repeal ACA, but ultimately failed to come up with a replacement.

In 2016, the Republican’s party platform was to repeal ACA, while continuing Medicare and Medicaid, but on the other hand, democrats put down that Obamacare is a step towards the goals of universal health care, and that this was just the beginning (Physicians for a National Health Program, n.d.). As for the cost analysis of repealing the Affordable Care Act, this would increase the number of uninsured people by 23 million, and it will cost about 350 billion through 2027, as well as creating costly coverage provisions to replace it (Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, 2017).

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