POLS 205: Second Essay Assignment Format 6-7 pages, double-spaced, 12 point font similar to Times New Roman or Calibri, 1-inch margins turn in: convert to pdf Note Make sure to cite by using footnot

POLS 205: Second Essay Assignment

Format6-7 pages, double-spaced, 12 point font similar to Times New Roman or Calibri, 1-inch marginsturn in: convert to pdfNoteMake sure to cite by using footnotes.For citations to the texts in the class, use footnotes, which look like this.1 Note the numbercomes after the period at the end of the sentence. You use footnotes whenever you are citingfacts or ideas that are not your own. Typically, hitting CTRL+ALT+F will insert a footnote.

 you don’t have citations with specific page numbers cited, it is an automaticfailing paper.Choose one of the following prompts.1. Evaluate various conceptions of social contract theory covered ONLY IN THE SLIDES GIVEN NO OUTSIDE SORCES 2. One of the fundamental questions of political theory is how to create a system that is fair andunbiased. Evaluate how successful the philosophers covered in SLIDES have beenin creating a philosophy that is unbiased



