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Reading Memo
Memos are short texts, including one positive and one critical point about either a mandatory or recommended reading. You are also encouraged to comment on how your response connects to previous readings and to the ongoing dialogue of the course.
The memo should include:
i. Short description summarising the main points of the text
ii. One positive comment about the argument in the text
iii. One critique (something you dont agree with and why) concerning the argument in the text
iv. An analysis of how the text relates to further topics covered in the class specifically, you can include further sources here and compare your text to them.The memo has a word count of between 700-800 words. This excludes the title and the end of text bibliography; it includes in-text references and subheadings. Failure to stay within the word limit will be penalized by the loss of 0.5% per 50 words.