
The first page will be the draft
The paper for the other 5 pages

Arguing a Position in the CLASSICAL ARGUMENT

12-point Times New Roman font
Double-spaced lines

6 or more research sources used in-text and listed on References page

3rd person point of view


Using 6 or more sources in APA format and demonstrating skillful use of the Classical Argument rhetorical structure shown in the HOW section, write an essay in which you argue one side of a controversial issue and discuss one counter-argument.  Choose an issue about which you feel passionate! 


BRAINSTORM:  Select a controversial issue about which you have a strong opinion. Far-reaching controversies that cannot be effectively defined and argued in the space of words will NOT be accepted for this project.  (Please see the end of this assignment page for more information about controversial issues).  Make sure your instructor approves your choice of a controversial issue/topic.

THESIS:  Write a concession thesis statement.  EX: A thesis will begin with the word although or despite to show a CONCESSION or COUNTER- ARGUMENT:
Example: Although some politicians believe climate change does not exist, the scientific evidence proves the international community must cooperate and act now in order to prevent tremendous loss of life. 

RHETORICAL STRUCTURE:  You can organize your essay as follows, and remember to include the subheadings below in your essay: 


INTRODUCTION:  Use facts, names, numbers, statistics and details to illustrate the issue about which you are arguing.
THESIS STATEMENT:  Close your introduction with your thesis statement.

HISTORY:  Provide the history of the issue that closely connects with your thesis statement. This section is neutral in tone. 

REASONS AND EVIDENCE:  Write more reasons and evidence that support your thesis.

ONE OBJECTION TO YOUR Thesis (this is the concession in your concession thesis)

RESPOND to OBJECTION:  What would you say to your opponent to respond his or her objection? 
CONCLUSION:  Conclude your essay by discussing what is possible if your argument is accepted.