Post-Disaster Trauma

Would you please NOT GO over 500 words

Write a paper of 400-500 words that covers the questions outlined below. Make sure to use these questions as your sections for the paper. In addition to the video resources provided, use the textbook as a resource to support your answers.

Kathol, R. G., & Cohen, J. (2010). The integrated case management manual: Assisting complex patients regain physical and mental health (R. Perez, Ed.; 1st ed.). Springer Publishing Company.

The YouTube videos for this assignment are in the Study Materials folder.

( six-minute video

NCTSN. (2021, August 4). Understanding the mental health needs of unaccompanied children in the United States [Video]. The National Child Traumatic Stress Network.

The paper must include citations and scholarly references.

1. Which video provided was the most important to you and why?

2. What are some essential strategies in dealing with those who are experiencing trauma?

3. What are some interventions/approaches to helping those in trauma that may not really help or that can be counter-productive?

4. What are the essential characteristics or professional skills in a mental health professional best suited for helping individuals suffering from post-disaster trauma?

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide