Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Recovery Program – therapist manual 1 answer below » t

Assessment 1 Project (Applied) with Simulation AspectGroup Work Session Manual (50%)Your agency has recently received funding to conduct therapeutic closed group sessions with a range of clients who are disadvantaged in the community. The funding contract specifies that your agency use psychosocial intervention to meet the therapeutic change goals of the clients. However you can use the change goals to help facilitate change that affects the broader community (such as psychosocial group work with a community education campaign). Your manager has asked your team (comprising of you and your research group) to plan the closed group sessions and produce a small but quality written group work session manual (between 2000-2500 words each) for use in the facilitation of the groups. Your manager has indicated that best practice guidelines and codes of conduct for the group sessions need to be in line with the AASW practice standards and ethical codes.In preparation for the group work session your team has also been asked to draft a 2 page transcription or 5 minute podcast to simulate an aspect of the group process to ensure the smooth delivery of the group session in real-world practice application. It is expected that this would help to identify a future learning goal that can be incorporated into your own professional learning plan.Summary of contributions and actions by each project group memberContents pageIntroductionAgency context and summaryTarget treatment issue: (E.g. drug & alcohol dependency domestic violence parenting chronic pain teen pregnancy HIV/AIDS depression foster care) and group for intervention (E.g. focus on mental health child protection health homelessness or young people older people people with a disability people from Indigenous/CALD backgrounds)Brief review of the literature: (Principles underpinning a therapeutic psychosocial group work intervention theoretical models of group work current research & statistics and relevance to social work with groups)Detailed plan and profile of the proposed closed group session: (Purpose clear change goals and expected outcomes group therapeutic model programstructure recruitment strategy treatment plans measures for change session duration managing resistance transference or conflict techniques required for managing group dynamics specific to type of group [needs identification capacity building decision-making conflict resolution leadership communication evaluation])Suggested group activities : (To guide intervention and used to promote change)Exploration of connections between therapeutic approach the agency and community systems (E.g. change impact on broader community & agency skills required: community education program)Response to a professional (AASW) ethical and legal issue that might arise in social work practice with groups (including facilitator skills/supervision ethical consent teamwork guidelines and organisational policies)Critical reflection and evaluation of the practice application linking your analysis to social work literature standards and values (guidelines for best practice)ConclusionReferences and resources (not included in word limit)Appendices (reasonable pieces and not included in word limit)Transcribed SimulationOnce the manual has been finalised each member within your team must take part in developing a 2 page transcription or 5 minute podcast that simulates one part of the planned group work sessions. Each team member will need to demonstrate a specific contribution made to the transcription or podcast simulation process. For example you could demonstrate an interaction between facilitator and group members in the conduct of applying a psychosocial technique that responds to an issue of resistance or aggression by a group member.Some ThoughtsNow that you have read the task-breakdown you are probably wondering why a group work session manual ? This is an important question and it is also a critical one for your learning in regards to professional practice in social work group work.The group work manual with transcript mirrors your real-world practice tasks and responsibilities in social work. As practitioners you will be expected to write a proposal for group work design and provide group work manuals together with implementing and facilitating groups relevant to the need of the target population. From an agency quality assurance perspective the production of a group work manual facilitates consistency across group programs over time but also between different types of programs and facilitators. It also allows practitioners to demonstrate that they have properly conceived and developed the program consistent with agency values and policies.In practice there is an expectation that you can use your professional judgment critical thinking and reflection to make informed decisions during planned change with groups. You will be expected to capture important information in manuals clearly and succinctly.Without the skills and knowledge to approach such a task practitioners can feel at a loss as to where to start! This assessment piece is designed to bridge this gap and start you on your written communication designing programs and materials (group work manual) and recording journey. Put yourself in the context of being a professional social work group leader rather than a student.It is a good time in which to take 5mins and look up expectations around – group work in your AASW social work standards document to ensure you are achieving specific competencies.This assessment task is about your specialized knowledge and skills in relation to group and team beyond generic group and team theories and techniques. This means you need to think about the nature of change and development across the life span.