Power Point Presentation-Choice Board Design and create a Choice Board presentation. Submit your Choice Board Power Point presentation in Canvas. Please look at the rubric for this assignment. Notice

Power Point Presentation-Choice Board

 Design and create a Choice Board presentation. Submit your Choice Board Power Point presentation in Canvas. Please look at the rubric for this assignment. Notice that there are two areas of submission for this one assignment. Please submit this assignment in both places provided. They are right under each other in Canvas Module 9. Notice also that you get 0 points for this one submission, but 50 points for the TK20 submission. Both submissions must be made to get the 50 points.

Choice Board- 50 pts

  1. The subject and grade level are clearly given.  4

  2. The teaching objectives/standards from curriculum frameworks are clearly stated. 5

  3. The choice activities (at least 6) clearly mirror the stated objectives and provide a variety of      

       learning style activities.  10    

  4. Clear instructions for using the choice board are given at the beginning. 7

  5. Grouping decisions clearly stated. 7

  6. Instructions for each choice activity are clear. 8

  7. Overall design is readable and neat. 5

  8. Student goes beyond the call of duty in designing the project. 4

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