
Select one of the following ethical scenarios:

  • A company uses patient DNA for research without the patient’s knowledge or consent.

Identify at least 3 peer-reviewed research articles that relate to the ethical concerns of the chosen scenario or to the process step at which ethical issues may have begun.

Create 15-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation with detailed speaker notes in your own words in which you:

  • Identify at what step in the scenario the ethical concern(s) occurred.
  • Explain how evidence-based research can eliminate or minimize ethical concerns in the health care industry.
  • Compare and contrast research studies and quality management projects as they relate to health care.
  • Explain external factors that have an impact on the ethical concern in the scenario.

Cite at least 3 peer-reviewed references to support your presentation.


-Explain external factors that have an impact on the ethical concern in the scenario.. and make a introduction for the PowerPoint. Create 4 slides including the introduction but not including the references. Add pictures and speaker notes. There should be more information in the speaker notes than the slide.