

Prior to beginning this assignment, read Chapters 6 and 7 from the course textbook, the , , , , and web pages, and this weeks Instructor Guidance.

For this assignment, you will prepare a Preview the documentwith detailed speakers notes that is written from the perspective of being a practice manager for a community health center within a safety net hospital. Recall from HCA205 that a safety net hospital is one that provides care for patients regardless of their insurance status or ability to pay. The federal government provides subsidies to safety net hospitals to help care for non-paying patients.

The goal of this presentation is to prepare an in-service training for clinic staff members to fully understand the challenges faced by cancer or HIV/AIDS patients as they near the end-stage of their disease along with support options for patients and caregivers.

You may choose to create this assignment covering patients with end-stage cancer or end-stage HIV/AIDS. Once you have chosen the disease focus, choose the patients age range from one of the following:

  • Childhood/Adolescence: 018 years
  • Adult: 1964 years
  • Elderly: 65+ years


Begin your presentation by including a title slide that includes the following:

  • Title of the presentation
  • Student name
  • Course name and number
  • Instructor name
  • Date submitted

Next, create an overview slide that briefly describes the required components covered within the presentation. Add bulleted points for each of the topics covered. Briefly describe each bulleted point in the speakers notes section. It is also recommended that you review the Preview the documentas guidance for properly building this presentation. See the bullet points and speakers notes information below. The remaining slides will address the content of the presentation and the references.

The content must address the following required components:

  • Identify the disease you chose. Include a brief description of the disease itself.
    • What is the disease (e.g., lung cancer, colon cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, leukemia, HIV, AIDS, etc.)?
  • Explain the following changes that can occur due to the disease:
    • Biological
    • Psychological
    • Social
  • Explain Western Medicine and Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) treatment options available for the patient.
  • Explain the way treatment options affect the patient and caregivers based on the following factors:
    • Physical toll
    • Emotional toll
    • Social toll (changes in social interactions)
    • Financial toll (socioeconomic status)
  • Based on the age-range chosen, discuss the patients perception related to the disease on the following factors:
    • Thoughts, beliefs, and fears that may be held by the patient.
    • The role culture (race/ethnicity, religion/spirituality) plays in quality of life as the disease progresses.
    • Why is it important for health care workers to understand these perspectives?
  • Discuss biases and stigmas associated with the disease.
    • Identify where those biases and stigmas may present within micro- and meso-level interactions (e.g., family, friends, colleagues, medical providers, etc.).
  • Analyze the needs of a person and their caregivers facing the end-stage of the disease.
    • What changes need to occur in the home to support the patient and the caregiver(s)?
    • What services are needed to assist in the care and management of the home?
    • What are the emotional needs of the people within the micro level? How will they be addressed?
    • What other types of health care providers may be enlisted to support the patients quality of life?
  • Research community-based programs that can possibly meet the needs of those receiving palliative, Hospice, and/or end-of-life care.
    • Discuss the availability of the services you identified within your community.
    • Identify costs and payment methods for the services.
    • How will the family/caregivers be burdened by enlisting additional services?
    • Discuss the rationale behind collaborative efforts in health care.
  • Summary
    • Explain your rationale as to why the information in this presentation is important for the staff to know.
    • Explain why this information is important to the patient, caregivers, and family to know as they navigate the health care system and community resources.
  • References

Creating the Final Presentation

The Final Presentation must:

  • Must be 20 to 22 slides in length (not including title and references slides) with speakers notes for all content slides, and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the s .
    • See the and resources in the Ashford Writing Center for APA guidelines.
    • Consider these help tools:
      • (click on the following links to view the or the)
      • can also help you explore creative commons images ()
    • Use at least five scholarly or credible sources (at least two should be from the Ashford University Library).
      • The table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. You may also want to review . If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.