PowerPoint Presentation Project

Purpose of this assignment is to create a document that will showcase your plans for the next four to ten years of life. Theses points need to addressed: It needs to be at least 10 to 15 slides and must have 5 or more graphics (clip art, photographs, smart art, or video clips. The presentation must also have an introductory slide and include a space for name, class, date, and title of presentation.

*Academic goals (I plan to graduate with my Bachelor’s in Psychology with at least an 3.0 within the next month. At this moment I don’t plan on going any further with my education once I graduate).

*Career goals ( In the next couple of years I plan to have finished college and go on to the NFL draft and hope to be playing in the league for the next 10 years and hopefully play my baby brother).

*Relationship goals (In the next ten years I plan to be married and have started a family with at least 3 kids with two boys and a girl and my girl be the last).

*Health goals (In the next ten years I plan to continue to work out and be fit regularly, especially because I will be still in the league. Eat healthy and stay and a professional chef and fitness trainer to ensure I stay fit).

*Spiritual goals (In the next ten years I plan to continue to keep God first in everything I do as well as my everyday life decisions).

*Financial goals (In the next ten years I would like to have made at least $2 hundred million, a Nike contract or whichever one offers me the most money, a clothing line, a real estate properties).

*Anything that is important to your future ( In the next ten years I would love to have great health, wealth, prosperity, and anything that will ensure that I have a great life.

These are just some points that you can use to complete the PowerPoint and you can add other points to these.