PPT Presentation 16th Century Author

PowerPoint: Create a short PowerPoint over an assigned author and one piece of his/her work and post in the Discussion Area.  Be sure to highlight and write under your favorite note about the author (NOTE FOR TEST). Be sure to find a really interesting note because your note will be on the first test along with the piece of work that you discuss.

Write out the title of the work that you have on your PPT.  You can also put a link to the audio for the work and should have the page number from the text so that other students can easily find the poem, etc.  Be sure to leave comments for your classmates as well, so that I can see that you have viewed all of the presentations.

I’ve attached the grading scale so you can see what’s needed. I’ve also attached an example of a powerpoint presentation to assist.

16th Century and one work of your choice: 

1.  Sir Thomas Wyatt the Elder:  Antanesia

2.  Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey:  Krossmon

3.  Mary I (Mary Tudor):  Chloe

4.  Lady Jane Grey:  Kenturah

5.  Mary, Queen of Scots:  Marrisa

6.  Elizabeth I:  Brittany

7.  Edmund Spenser:  Jakayla

8.  George Gascoigne: Hamilton

9.  Thomas Campion:  Jessica

10.  Sir Walter Ralegh: Victoria

11.  Sir Philip Sidney:  Rita

12.  Mary (Sidney) Herbert, Countless of Pembroke:  Abigail

13.  Christopher Marlowe:  Rebecca

14.  William Shakespeare:  Heather

15.  Sir Thomas More:  Michielle

16.  John Skelton:  Cindy