Practice Experience: Identifying a Practice Problem in Need of Improvement

 In this weeks main discussion, you shared your experiences with healthcarepractice problems as a consumer and/or as a practitioner. Now, consider your current practice setting and think about something specific and relevant to your practice setting that you would like to see improved or changed. Interview a key leader in your practice setting who can confirm that your practice problem is needed for enhancing delivery or performance in the field. It is important to remember from the beginning that your practice problem must be measurable.The practice problem identified will be the topic of both your practice experienceproject, capstone paper,and your storyboard. The capstone paper will be the detailed written explanation of the steps needed to address the practice problem using a quality improvement model. These steps will be explained during the practice experience discussion during weeks 1 5 and presented on the quality improvement storyboard in week 6.Identify a measurable patient-centered practice problem related to quality or safety relevant to your practice setting that you will also address for your capstone project and post by Day 4 a brief descriptionof the problem and an explanation of why you selected it. Explain how the conversation you had with the key leader in your practice setting impacted your decision to address this particular practice problem. Be sure to support your practice problem with evidencethat indicates the relevance of this problem for nursing practice. Provide evidence from practice and data that is available. Some examples of practice problems youmay consider for your practice experience projectare reducing patient falls, medication errors, CAUTI, CLABSI or improving areas noted on Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems(HCAHPS)scores. Post a description of the measures (data) identified from the interview, the challenges to obtaining the data that were discussed and a summary of how this quality indicator is measured in the literature.  Discuss any gaps in the data that were identified and additional sources that might be needed to obtain this dataComplicated projects, for example, improving patient throughput in the ED, or reducing the use of opioid prescriptions are beyond the scope of this beginning quality improvement project.  If you practice in an outpatient or in a non-traditional nursing role you may contact your instructor for assistance when choosing a practice experienceproject. Note:The practice problem must be related to patient outcomes. (Staffingcannot be your main practice problem for the completion of the practice experiencequality and safety project and capstone paper.)