Premise: Michael took an apple from the farm stand

Critical thinking multiple questions:1)Consider the following argument:Premise: Michael took an apple from the farm stand.Premise: Stealing is wrong.Conclusion: Therefore Michael was wrong for stealing the apple.The statement “stealing is wrong” is an example of which of the following?AnswerSyllogismEnthymemePremise that makes an amoral statementPremise that makes a moral statement about a moral principleConclusion that demonstrates a moral statement2)A politician is running for re-election in his district and campaigns on a social agenda.The politician describes himself as a pro-life candidate suggesting that his position isbased on biblical principles. He believes the state should pass laws to make abortionsillegal independent of personal circumstances or beliefs. His argument follows which ofthe following theories?AnswerReligious AbsolutismMoral RelativismCultural RelativismReligious RelativismAuthoritarian Moral Theory3)An expert may not be considered a credible source if he or she has:AnswerAn education from reputable institutions in a relevant program.A view in direct opposition to the vast majority of other experts in the subject.A great deal of experience on the topic being evaluated.Many professional accomplishments that are directly relevant.A reputation among peers for being honest and objective.4) When listening to people debating a topic a critical thinker should ignore:Answerdiscerning what arguments they’re pitchinghow they are responding to each other’s argumentsif they are dressed in a professional mannerwhat evidence they are offering to support their positionswhether their credentials are in a relevant field5)Which of the following is most likely to be a sign of pseudoscience?AnswerConsidering alternativesBeing open to the possibility of errorRelying primarily on anecdotal evidenceConducting peer review before reporting widelyProviding evidence and reasoning to back up any claims