Preparation for Term Project Research Paper For your final paper you will submit a paper that addresses the following:Create a Case Study of a company (a real company, however the event or specific “

Preparation for Term Project Research Paper 

  • For your final paper you will submit a paper that addresses the following:
    • Create a Case Study of a company (a real company, however the event or specific “happening” can be a past initiative, meaning it doesn’t have to be a recent (not older than 10 years). The purpose of the case study will be to illustrate any of the following concepts:
      • Globalization as a catalyst of business growth – In favor or against
      • Culture: Challenges faced and how are they overcome when setting a Multinational Corporation in a new cultural territory
      • Political System and Economic Models: Challenges faced and how are they overcome when setting a Multinational Corporation in a new territory with protective or complex laws and economic system.
      • Exchange Rate: What kind of Factors influence exchange rate, what is the impact and how can they be overcome if at all?
      • Social Responsibility:  How do MNEs present social responsibility challenges in a new market
  • Include 3 substantial questions to your case studies
  • As an example of how to build a case study, please read through the assigned readings as there are always at least 2 case studies per chapter.
  • Minimum 3 pages (not counting the cover and references)
  • Use APA formatting and submit before midnight on the last day of the class (the latest)