


Ethics, and not knowledge, separate thieves from detectives and hackers from security administrators. However, a detective must think like a thief to catch a thief; in other words, white hat hackers should be able to think as black hat hackers in order to thwart their future attacks.


You may use the text-book, In-the-News, or the Internet to research any case pertaining to white hat and black hat hackers or a white hat and gray hat hackers.  The case should be no more than 24 months. 


From a white hat hacker standpoint address the following:

  1. Briefly summarize the case
  2. Describe at least three emerging tools and technologies available to support your technical solutions
  3. List and describe  potential cyber threats associated with your technical solutions 

Delivery Method

You may present this assignment in your preferred visual tool e.g., diagram, PowerPoint presentation, cartoon, graphic organizers, or infographics. If you are using:

  1. Video presentation – this can be done in 5 to 8 minutes
  2. PowerPoint presentation:
    • Approximately 8 to 10 content slides
    • One title slide (add only active participants name on this slide)
    • One topic introduction slide
    • One conclusion slide
    • One current APA formatted references slide (no more than 24 months) slide